All the services required for a STP unit under one window.
Our services include:
➔ Arranging a Letter of Permission
➔ Arranging Green Card
➔ Arranging execution and acceptance of Legal Undertaking.
➔ Arranging attestation of Floor Plan
➔ Arranging attestation of List of Capital Goods to be imported and/or to be indigenously
➔ Arranging Import Certificate, Domestic Certificate & Re-export Permission etc.
➔ Arranging enhancements in CG limits
➔ Arranging approval of Additional locations/ Extension of existing locations
➔ Arranging permissions for DTA Sale
➔ Arranging renewal/extension of Letter of Permission
➔ Arranging Debonding of STP units
➔ Any other liaison work/permission from the office of Director, STPI.
➔ Arranging Customs Clearance from all ports and
➔ Any other permission from the Office of Director, STPI, Noida.