All the services required for a STP unit under one window.

Our services include:

    ➔ Arranging a Letter of Permission

    ➔ Arranging Green Card

    ➔ Arranging execution and acceptance of Legal Undertaking.

    ➔ Arranging attestation of Floor Plan

    ➔ Arranging attestation of List of Capital Goods to be imported and/or to be indigenously

    ➔ Arranging Import Certificate, Domestic Certificate & Re-export Permission etc.

    ➔ Arranging enhancements in CG limits

    ➔ Arranging approval of Additional locations/ Extension of existing locations

    ➔ Arranging permissions for DTA Sale

    ➔  Arranging renewal/extension of Letter of Permission

    ➔ Arranging Debonding of STP units

    ➔ Any other liaison work/permission from the office of Director, STPI.

    ➔ Arranging Customs Clearance from all ports and

    ➔ Any other permission from the Office of Director, STPI, Noida.

At Helpers Clearing Agency, we pride ourselves on being one of the leading consultants in Customs Imports and Exports, Goods and Service Tax, and are also licensed Customs Brokers.

Contact Info

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